2016—the year of purification
2016 was important year for me. It was frightening. It was exciting. It was gutsy. In it I gained clarity of purpose, entered territories that I never thought I would dare stepping into, and began building consciously the life I desire and deserve.
I reached out for help when I needed it—even though it wasn’t easy to ask for it. I found real support, expanded my community, experienced myself as deeply loving, and enjoyed being romanced by an amazing man.
I’ve stayed put for an entire year—I did not travel anywhere, even though I repeatedly wanted to. This year I refused to escape.
For me 2016 was a year of acceptance. A year of staying with what is, and embracing it. A year of re-building hope, reviving pleasure and re-connecting with aspects of me I have rejected, abandoned or disowned. A year, in which I learned to accept and love all of me—the good, the bad, and the magnificent.
Perhaps for the first time in my life I felt truly supported, well loved, and without fixed expectations of how things should be.
I've learned to feel safe even when things seemed out of control. I've found serenity in not knowing. I've learned to lean into trust and feel my fears without letting them stop me.
I've discovered new aspects of me that I like and love, and others that I’m not so proud of. I've come to be at peace with them, seeing them as guides who are here to help me make more empowering choices. I’ve discovered that I’m OK just as I am—even when I felt more imperfect than ever…
This year I've stepped into new ventures that were undeniably frightening, seemed risky, and promised nothing but trouble. I did the very things that aroused my deeply rooted fears of being hurt, exposed and humiliated; rejected, abandoned and unloved.
And each time I re-emerged feeling purified, humble, more gentle and certainly more loving. I re-emerged more trusting in me, others and all life’s experiences. And each time I have become more open, more real… more Me.
2016 was a memorable year. The ride was wild. The road steep. The visibility obscured. And yet, it was a great year for me. I am leaving it with a heart full of gratitude, embodied awareness, and a profound sense of fulfillment, wholeness and purpose.
I look forward to 2017 and the blessings that it brings. I am ready to receive them all.