resistance vs. allowing


There is a big difference between pushing against what you don’t want (resistance) and going in the direction of what you do want (flow).

This is a vibrational universe. When you vibrate in positive ways, it causes you to be in harmony with your Eternal Self. There is no resistance. When you are in a state of no resistance, you allow solutions to flow to you.

You are either in a state of resistance or in a state of allowing. Your emotions will tell you where you are: they reflect the physical vibration that you hold.

When you feel negative emotions (fear, doubt, anger, guilt, loneliness, frustration) this means you are focused on something you do not want. You are in resistance. When you are angry, you are fighting something, you want to change something, you want to control something (or someone) who doesn’t behave as you wish…

Every time you are in a state of resistance, you are preventing the very thing you want.

When you are praising or appreciating something; when you are acknowledging the value of something; when you look for positive aspects; when you are smiling, laughing, applauding, appreciating; when you are feeling joy, health and well being—there is no resistance in you. In these moments you are in vibrational harmony with who you really are. You are in flow.

Deliberate creation is about focusing on something that allows you to be in alignment with who you really are even when you are in the midst of negative experiences!

When you are focused on the solution, you are a vibrational match to the solution.

You cannot focus on a problem and be a vibrational match to the solution. The key is to focus in a way that you are feeling positive emotion because this positive emotion is the indicator that you are holding a thought, which is not resisting. When you are not resisting, you are allowing the creating of what you want.

Resistance is the thoughts you are thinking that do not match the vibration of what you want. That’s why the thoughts feel negative to you—they don’t match who you are! So when you feel anger, fear, doubt—remember that they point to what you want, and look for it.

Ask yourself: are the thoughts I’m currently thinking (the words I am speaking or the actions I am taking) an aspect of resistance, or an aspect of allowing and going in the direction I prefer?

Make this a practice and you will begin to see positive changes in your life.



is leadership a role?


Creating Connection: a weekend intensive with Guy Sengstock and Gina Brezini