the problem with men–women relationships
There is a lot of emotion around the area of our lives that we call relationships. Because whenever we enter into a relationship we come face-to-face with our deepest fears.
Our partners are the most vivid mirrors life offers. Relationships reflect back to us our conditioning, our driving needs and our belief systems.
That’s why the quality of our life is the quality of our relationships.
The problem with men–women relationships today is that we are treating each other as enemies. Ghosting, unkindness and disrespect continuously cause damage.
Both—men and women are lonely—starved for touch, affection, genuine connection and appreciation. Both are longing for respect, acceptance and to belong. Many men and women today are hurt, suspicious and quick to grab the weapons of anger, blame and emotional withdrawal. They rush to reject before being rejected.
As a result, we are often out of alignment with our core nature—most men are taking instead of providing; many women are attacking in defense. Nobody wins.
The truth is that we need each other. But sadly, we no longer know how to be together in supportive and harmonious ways…
With the intention to remedy this, Rachel Castagne and I have created a live online course for women that aims to restore respect, personal dignity and more harmonious interactions when it comes to dating, relating and romance.
In this course we introduce ways that reverse the damaging dynamics in which men and women are often habitually engaged.
Authentic Dating for Women begins on March 9th 4-6 pm EST and will continue for 3 full months. It is packed with valuable information that helps women to understand men, heal past pain and acquire practical tools for new ways to engage with a man and enchant him.
The places are limited and fill up fast. So sign up now!
You’ll be glad you did.