honest vs. authentic

Many people mistakenly think that to be authentic means to express what is present and true for you at this moment. But this is simply to be honest. And while being honest is an honorable thing that requires courage, it is different from being authentic.

To be authentic means to express what is present and true for you at this moment while you are connected to your true essence

For example, to express the anger that you are feeling is honest. But it is NOT authentic. Because when you speak from your anger you speak from your pain. And you are not your pain.

Authentic expression does not mean to scream at people because you feel frustrated. It means to find out what's underneath the frustration, and to express from that.

And if you go deep enough with any emotion or upset, you'll inevitably find love. That is your Authentic Self! Your Authentic Self speaks from your heart. It is always gentle, kind and loving.

To relate authentically means to relate from love. It means to relate from caring. It means to drop all judgements and relate from your soul. 

And when you do this in the presence of another, magic begins to happen. Magic between the two of you, and magic inside you...


your thoughts, emotions, and body are connected


surviving infidelity