subway insights
The best way to start loving yourself is to begin loving others, without any expectations of return for that love.
I'm having a spiritual experience in the middle of the subway in New York, while on my way to a meeting with my accountant.
I’m standing on the platform of the ugly, dingy Uppper West Side subway station that I know so well. A young musician sits on a bucket behind an open guitar case, collecting donations in exchange for his music. I let a few trains go by, without getting on them, just because I find his music beautiful and I experience pleasure listening to it. It enters my heart.
I don’t care that I’m in a hurry. I don’t care that I’m running late. I allow myself to miss the train, knowing that another one will come. This is unusual for me, I like to be on time. But today I allow myself to just sit for few minutes and enjoy, in the midst of Manhattan’s turmoil.
These are the best six minutes I’ve "wasted".
I suddenly feel a powerful wave of self-love. And I feel it washing all over me and turning into love for all humanity. I am wide open to love.
I am a lover. The surrounding reality is grim, but I am not affected by it.
I am a creator. I am now an artist without a brush. I'm creating my life. And I am loving it. I am creating the life that I love—just by allowing myself to slow down, to be present to what is, and to let myself experience joy.
I am an alchemist. I’ve made my way through pain, dirt, pressure, fire and darkness. And I have emerged purified. I have become gold.