what self-love has to do with archetypes

As many of you know I have completed a two year program in Sacred Contracts and Archetypes and I am now a certified Archetypal Consultant. I’d love to share what I’ve learned with as many of you as possible. Because I believe that the world will be a better place if more people know, love and accept themselves. 

You might wonder what Self-love has to do with archetypes. Well, I believe that we can only love that which we know. Knowing your archetypes leads to accepting, and ultimately loving all of your Self. 

Dalai Lama had said that the biggest problem in today’s world is self-hatred. I tend to agree that Self-love could make a big difference. Because people who love contribute in bigger ways to the creation of a more loving world.  

As you probably know already, archetypes are universal patterns that express through our words, actions, habits, preferences and decisions. The greek philosopher Plato was the first one to recognize and name these universal patterns. Carl Jung brought them into the world of psychology, and Joseph Campbell and Carolyne Myss have expanded this work in fascinating ways.

According to wise men and women who know, before we incarnate we all agreed to do certain things and learn certain lessons. This also includes engaging with certain people in specific relational patterns. These people might be our parents, siblings, lovers, spouses, children, close friends, enemies or business partners. 

In the process of learning our lessons we are closely aided by a team of archetypes that already dwell within us, but that we need to identify, get to know, befriend and engage in ways that serve our highest purpose. The archetypes could suggest the course of action we need to take in order to get where we want to be. But only if we learn to understand their language. Until then, we are at the mercy of an unconscious mind chatter that can be contradictory and confusing. We need to learn the language of archetypes in order to decode their messages, apply them in our day-to-day life and utilize their full power. We use this knowledge to tap into the symbolic guidance that is always present and always available. 

As always, it is consciousness that changes the game!

So sign up today for the new release of Archetypes One: explore your soul lessons and let me take you on your hero’s journey into the fascinating world of archetypes! 

This is a 4-week live zoom workshop, in which I’ll help you recognize your archetypes and uncover the lessons you are here to learn. 

WHEN: March 3 – 24, 7:30-9:30 pm EST on zoom

Here is a link for more information

There will not be another Archetypes One workshop until next year.  

If you are curious to find out what is the set of characteristics unique to you, jump in and join me in this fun online workshop!


what are archetypes?


why is it important to know yourself?