an exciting update

I’ve got an exciting update that I couldn’t wait to share with you: I’ve been studying the language of symbols and archetypes for a few years and I am now a certified Archetypal Consultant!

But what does an Archetypal Consultant do? you might ask.  An Archetypal Consultant will help you to understand the operating archetypal patterns that already exist within you. These mostly unconscious patterns can reveal your purpose, your motivation for doing things as you do, and the life lessons that you’ve come to fulfill in this lifetime. It's a rich and fascinating process that leads to understanding yourself and others in a profound way. Understanding your archetypal patterns often dissipates judgments and leads to less criticism and more acceptance of yourself and others. Acceptance is the gateway to love. And love is the key to happiness. 

If you know me already, you are probably aware by now that I’ve studied Spiritual Psychology and I have a private practice as a life coach and relationship counselor. My office is in Bethesda, but I serve people in other states and countries as well. I notice that incorporating the archetypes into my work with clients brings amazing clarity and deeper awareness that speed up the healing process. 

During the early years of my life I worked in theater and film and this certainly contributes to understanding the complexity of archetypal patterns and their various expressions in our lives. 

You can contact me here to enquire more or to schedule a consultation. 

Much love.



why is it important to know yourself? 


the two wolves