Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

nothing is over until The Red Lady sings

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I felt discouraged, disappointed and full of negative thoughts and bleak visions for the future of the group when 9 people canceled last minute today, one by one!!! I felt devastated. Nine people is an entire group, for goodness sake! I received a LONG string of messages containing seriously legitimate reasons. It felt odd, however, that so many people were somehow prevented from coming, even though they have committed to it. I questioned the motives of the Universe, and the message She tries to convey.

As the time approached, I was ready to cry. I wished that nobody showed up, so there would be no witnesses to this painful and embarrassing situation. It was too late for that. The doorbell rang and I knew that there was no chance for hiding or escape—I was going to be witnessed in what I considered a painful failure.

What I didn’t know was that a whole new batch of amazing young people were going to come, bringing their openness, their humanness, and their desire to share themselves in a deeply soulful way.

As usual we went into the deepest. As usual, we co-created an exquisite experience. As usual, I feel deeply moved and vibrantly alive.

I feel grateful for all who showed up today. I also feel grateful for those who couldn't come. And I am grateful for the lesson I have (hopefully) learned: to not jump to conclusions before it’s over. To not assume the worst. To not give up just because things do not look as I expected them.

That’s the second time this week when I was clearly shown that nothing is over until the Red Lady sings... I bow humbly to Her as I am beginning to see more clearly that I don't always know what’s going on… or why.


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Newer Postthe key to happiness

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

let Love in

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Research shows that falling in love closely resembles addiction. New love can have similar effects on the brain as cocaine.  Helen Fisher, an anthropologist and relationship researcher, conducted a series of fascinating studies of the brain chemistry underlying new love. She found that serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are crucially involved in the initial stages of romantic love in much the same way as they are in cocaine use.

Intense passionate love uses the same system in the brain that gets activated when a person is addicted to drugs: norepinephrine fills you with raucous energy, serotonin boosts your self-confidence, and dopamine generates a feeling of pleasure. New love is a kind of love addiction, but it's not a pathological addiction. When you are falling in love desire replaces inhibition, you feel uplifted and more spontaneous and brave. Your dopamine levels skyrocket, your mood improves and you are more playful and fun. 

You want more of it the next day. Because dopamine is activated by memory associations of certain actions with pleasure, the brain remembers the intense pleasure and wants it repeated. In other words, you start to crave, like a drug, the person you are in love with.

If you have had a history with addictions and are stepping into a new love, you may recognize the symptoms and mistakenly conclude that it's your addictive personality at play. 

Dear lover, please don't treat Love as an addiction just because this is what you are familiar with. Your heart and your soul have their own needs. Honor them. Being in love is healing to the soul. Being in love is purifying. Being in love rejuvenates your system and washes away the impurities of negative emotional debris. Being in love makes you sensually and sexually alive. Being in love makes you orgasmic not only in the bedroom, but in life itself.

Honor your loving. Nourish your soul. Allow yourself to fall in love. Give into Love when it comes knocking on your door. Open the door widely and let Love in. Welcome it. Cherish it. Receive it. 

Enjoy it while it lasts. Consider yourself lucky that Love has chosen YOU! 

Love is The Great Goddess herself. Don’t close the door on Her. Don’t keep Her outside. Don’t push Her away. Don’t treat Her as an addiction. Invite Her in as a welcomed guest. Receive Her as a valuable gift. Worship Her as The Goddess that She is.

She will reward you by filling up your soul with joy, your body with renewed vigor, your blood with bubbling excitement, your mind with inspiration, your heart with warmth, and your days with kindness. 

The world is a better place when we love.

Don’t try to change the world! Just let Love in. Shewill change the world for you. 

Let Love permeate every cell of your being and re-energize every ray of light in your soul. Then you will know that you are alive.

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

I want to live in this feeling

Today I am in a space of profound personal gratitude for all that is unfolding in my life. It’s a quiet, but powerful feeling of AWE that permeates every cell of my body and soul.

I want to LIVE in it, permanently. 

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

all of me

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This morning I woke up with the realization that the coaching program I am taking is not just about creating a successful business. It’s actually about (re)creating a more wholesome and capable, optimistic, unstoppable Self. A Self that is less limited, more grounded into integrity, delivering greater value, respecting itself and living in a bigger, fully present and authentic way. It’s about BEING in this world and SHOWING UP differently. It’s about valuing and using the gifts I was given, and more confidently sharing them with the world.

I have barely started the program, yet I feel that I already have claimed parts of me that I didn’t fully own before. I have already become bigger – not growing in size, but simply uncovering more of my authentic pieces, attracting them into place and allowing them to become an integral part of Me…


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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

why I came back from Bali


Last night, at an all women, soul-sisters party, someone asked me why I came back from Bali after living there for six months. I imagine it’s hard to grasp the reasons for deciding to leave a luscious paradise and return to a city hell.

The truth is that while I was there, I realized that it’s time for me to stop trying to escape, to stop avoiding Reality and ordinary life. I returned to New York so I can finally learn how to BE HERE. On earth. In THIS reality. I came to plunge into the mess of real life and day-to-day stuff, without escaping into art. 

I came here because I knew I was ready to finally learn how to do life—abundant, messy, imperfect, unpredictable, real, first chakra human life. I came to NY again so I can learn to support myself in ways I’ve expected others (mainly men) to support me, in the past. I came here to build the foundation of my life in a new, solid way that can nurture me, hold me, keep me standing, and support the rest of my vision. I came here because I no longer want to avoid what I need to learn in this life. 

I am clear that my biggest spiritual growth right now is in the realm of the earthy, money-making, low chakras skill-gathering, “non-spiritual” realms of everyday life... and in reaching out to other people. I came here to connect with the too busy, seemingly less evolved New Yorkers who may need my teachings even more than the “enlightened” spiritual seekers in the East.

I came here to integrate and embody the insights and revelations I received while I was in Bali... to neutralize the many fears I faced and embraced... to claim my own power and my right to live well, without avoidance. I came here to begin again, this time motivated by inspiration and a true sense of purpose. 

I came here because I’m done with the phase of mere survival and I am ready for embodied transformation. I am ready to manifest a life deliciously fulfilling and new. I came back here because I no longer want to hide, not even in the luxury and beauty of the tropics.

Whether I like it or not, this is the place in which I need to be right now, to complete an important cycle as I'm also launching a new one…

I have no idea where I will live next, but for now I am clear that I need to be in New York. I am willing to face what I’d rather avoid. I am learning  new ways to create, to live, to love and to be. I am learning to make love to life—not to idealize it, reject it or endure it, but to actively and lovingly give to it and receive from it.



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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

love is the only safety


Where have you become guarded? What broke your heart? I'll tell you what's breaking it now. When you stop trusting, you stop participating in life. There is no safety in "protection". Love is the only safety. Open your heart again and you will see that you were never damaged. ~Tama Kieves 

I have created a program that can change your old patterns and show you new possibilities to be -- through genuine heart connection and different way of expressing. You are not broken, you just don't have the tools to build a better connection. You are not with the "wrong" partner, you just haven't learned yet how to be together in another way. Call or email me to begin your journey to better understanding of yourself and another.

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

The Art of Connection

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"Looking into the person's eyes I felt a deep sense of peace and wonder. It was as if the world around us had come to a standstill and only an electric flicker in the space between us moved. As if witnessing portals to unknown worlds, I stared into the person's blue-grey eyes. I felt my own emotions slowly move—forming a clear picture as they shifted over my inner landscape—from awkward, to playful, to joyful, to worshipful... I became more aware of both—what is like to connect, and how I was being in connection… " ~ Noah Diamond

There are many dimensions to Connection. There is a whole Universe to deliciously explore and appreciate when being curios about others, and open to know them. There is so much adventure, joy, richness and beauty to discover, experience and enjoy!

And yet, our conversations with people often follow familiar and even boring routes. These conversations, while totally acceptable, usually lack the juice, aliveness and connectivity that many of us crave in our intimate relationships—with family, friends, and especially with romantic partners. 

This evening is about exploring what else is possible, and becoming open to new perspectives on relationships that will actually make a difference with the relationships you are in.

Perhaps this evening will open you up to new perspectives on relationships: perspectives that turn both familiar and new connections into ways to feel nourished and lit up, find relief, or feel excited and alive. Perspectives that provide inspiration to share and express what’s true for you; perspectives in which interactions become an adventure, a discovery, and unexpected fun when you begin to truly understand another human being and feel understood by them. 

Perspectives that show you how to outgrow old patterns, experience freedom, and enter the unpredictable and amazing new realms of mindful connection, leading to more than what you can currently imagine!

If this interests you, come play with us! Enjoy an evening in which we’ll introduce playful tools for getting out of the rut of “that’s-simply-how-things-are”, and begin to re-create your relationship in a new, more exciting and desirable way...

The evening will include:

1. An introduction of your hosts: Gina Brezini and Noah Diamond.
2. Brief conversation and practicing some elements of connection in fun, eye-opening, experiential ways.
3. A chance to discover what keeps you from connecting as deeply as you might desire.
4. An opportunity to hear about, and perhaps register for a powerful three-month program in which you will deepen your connections with yourself and others and begin to incorporate into your everyday life everything you learn.

What if you can have a say in how your relationship happens? What if you can utilize your power, authenticity and listening in order to design your most important relationship according to your heart-felt dreams? What if it’s possible to re-ignite the spark that attracted you and made you choose each other? 

And what if we can show you how? 

With much love and with your happiness in mind,
Gina & Noah

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

what everyone is dying to hear

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Admit something:

Everyone you see, you say to them:

“Love me.”

Of course you do not do this out loud,

Otherwise someone would call the cops.

Still, though, think about this,

This great pull in us to connect.

Why not become the one who lives with

A Full moon in each eye that is always saying,

With that sweet moon language,

What every other eye in this world is dying to hear?

~ Hafiz 

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

create your own amalgam

©2010, Gina Brezini paintograph

©2010, Gina Brezini paintograph

Since the Middle Ages Venetian mirrors had certain enchanting qualities. Venetian glass was famous worldwide with its amazing quality. But these special properties were a result of the secret of the Venetian masters—they added gold in the amalgam of the mirror and the effect was the domination of warm tones.

To make the layer of YOUR world more enchanting, it is necessary to create your own amalgam. The world’s layers are formed by multiple responses – your relationship to yourself, your relationship with others, and the various manifestations of the surrounding reality.

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

healing of the heart

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“All attempts to change our life will be futile unless we set right our relationships”, says Sri Bhagavan, my Indian guru. Any effort otherwise would be like trying to change the reflection in the mirror. Just like the foundation of the tree is its roots, the foundation of life is relationships.  Any discomfort or hurt in relationships will be reflected as problems in the external world."

Today most of our relationships are marked by misunderstandings, hurt, conflict, judgments and indifference. If we were to take a deeper look into our relationships we’ll find out the root of the problem lies in our inability to listen to each other, and not knowing how to communicate from the heart.

The solution lies in the healing of the heart. When you really forgive the person, transformation happens not just in you, but also in the other.

In forgiveness lies happiness and success.

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

the love in me greets the love within you

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The God within you is the Love within you! 

To do God’s work means to do Love’s work. It means to simply LOVE. To love everyone and everything that touches your life. It doesn’t mean that you are better or more advanced, it only means that instead of fearing, fighting or doubting, you have CHOSEN to love.


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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

we consistently do this in circling


"To create increased masculine polarity and third-stage sexuality with a woman is easy to do; you could learn to do it in 30 seconds.  But to sustain it you need to have practiced enough to not be distracted by your mind. Let’s use a heterosexual example since that’s how you seem to be asking the question and let’s say you’re sitting in a restaurant with a woman, so it’s not even explicitly sexual. You’re looking into each other’s eyes, sitting close across the table, intimate.

Now relax the front of your body. First you’ll notice that the front of your body is not relaxed. Your temples are crunched, your head is crunched, your throat is crunched, your tongue is crunched, your genitals are crunched. Your belly is crunched. Different people have different patterns, but you are crunching in some pattern you learned in your childhood. You are defending yourself as your mother/father stuff is all stored there. To relax through these patterns into what you are referring to as third-stage sex, you do whatever you have to as unique individual to open all that up. Maybe it is yoga, maybe it is massage, therapy, diet, exercise, every individual is different—whatever you need so the whole front of your body, the surface of your body, is relaxed in the restaurant.

Now imagine an inner line from the middle of your brain almost down through the back of your throat, through your heart, down through the center of your body. If you are a woman we could say this deep inner line goes through your cervix. As a man it would be through your balls, perineum, straight to the center–actually feel it. Your skin opens up. Now this might take somebody five years to achieve or 30 seconds. It depends on the tension accumulated, by how abused they were as a child, by what kind of work they have already done and how willing they are to relax from defending a sense of self.

With your skin and your body and mind so wide open, your full attention will be with her and she will notice, “Wow, what the hell is this?”  She feels your presence, the most attractive part of a man. Every man ages, loses money, but their presence is their consciousness. When a woman says a man has great presence it’s because she feels this in his relaxation and free attention and it draws her attention to him. Again, I am using the word woman, but it could be another man, it could be between two women, but I am speaking about the feminine principle which magnetically draws her energy and her body towards his presence. She will lean towards him and her breath will shift and he’ll feel that. Her radiance which is natural and spontaneous lights up in her eyes. Her inner light glows, not just figuratively.  Anyone at the table would see this happening.  The feminine pays attention spontaneously through energy and motion, through energy-motion, e-motion. She’s laughing or sometimes will start crying when a man is that present because she’s never been penetrated deeply by a man’s willingness to feel, to love. As your heart stays open and relaxed she responds with increased radiance.

If something comes up, because something always comes up in life–let’s say the waiter walks up–now your measure as a conscious practitioner will be how you deal with these events that come up. How much of life can you deal with and then reconnect as full presence with her with the minimal accretions? So you say, “Excuse me.” You avert your eyes and deal with the situation, then come back, “Oh, where were we?”

In this example, you are continually keeping a thread between your heart and hers by worshiping and attending to her light.  You naturally worship and attend to her radiance, and it becomes mutual adoration.  She has never felt a man this present and you are feeling she’s the most beautiful woman you have ever seen right now. You are feeling, “I will do anything for her,” and she is feeling, “I would give myself to him.” You are just wide open and she is doing a similar practice on the more feminine-bodied side. That is one description of a third-stage sexual moment, in a restaurant.” 

~ Excerpted from David Deida’s interview in Common Ground magazine, February 2016

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

his only authority over a woman

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To be a fully integrated male, a man has to assimilate in his body the divine female energies that woman can only release to him through right physical lovemaking. But the man has to be man enough. He has to be able to love her enough; that is, love her selflessly during the actual act of lovemaking. He has to be able to absorb and express sufficient love in his body to reach the highest part of her, and love enough to extract the divine energies from her deepest center. To be able to love in this way is the authority man has lost - his only true authority over woman.

 ~ Barry Long

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

Mermaid of the Soul

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When I circle, I feel so grounded in my essence that I can bring people deep into their edge. They sense my grounded-ness and trust that I can hold them safely above their own abyss.

The reason I can take them so deeply in, is because I’ve walked the territory and now I can hold their hand while luring them into the depths of their own soul, slowly and in a very gentle way.

 ~Gina Brezini, Mermaid of the Soul

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

all issues stem from insufficient love

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I’m beginning to think that ALL issues are simply a result of insufficient love. ALL issues are a result of not liking and accepting oneself.

Low self-esteem is a result of not liking or accepting oneself.

Self non-love often comes as a result of comparison with others and thinking “I am different from others, and that’s wrong."

One of the reasons Circling is so powerful and effective is because there is a large amount of acceptance and love. The Love is what heals, not necessarily the knowledge.

Practicing Circling is to practice Self-love. In Circling, people get used to being seen AS LOVEABLE, as OK, as acceptable. Being seen without being judged for being the way they are.

To me, Circling is a practice of loving and being loved…It is nothing more than learning to accept and love another human being, as they are. It is a practice of compassion and love. That’s why I find it so powerful, so healing, so empowering…

What’s empowering is the feeling of being loved. Feeling that you are OK, that you are accepted. Having the permission TO BE YOU—without apologies, without blame.


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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

speaking your truth is a habit

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Speaking what’s true for you is a habit.

As children, or as young adults we learned that to say the truth can be damaging or dangerous. We learned to withhold the truth, keep it in, sugarcoat it, say white lies or bluntly lie to protect others, or to shield ourselves from others’ anger…

Sharing your truth while staying connected to your heart’s truest desires is the focus of my work, and the key to the way I teach authentic relating. When working with me you will learn (and practice) how to express in order to create connection and support closeness. I will help you to unlearn outdated habits and to discover that to say what’s true in each moment is preferable to withdrawal and disconnect.

I will help you to navigate the depths of your shadow and shine Light on what needs to be transformed. You will know when you are coming from the mind at the expense of your heart. You will know what to do when communication is infected by power or control dynamics. 

Attending to reality in a discerning, present and masterful way is a key to creating genuine connection and successful relationships. And this is at the foundation of working with me.

So schedule your FREE Soulful Connection Exploratory Sessionwith me now: 


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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

make your dreams happen

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When you delay action, you’re giving away your power and telling the Universe that you aren’t particular about which way your life unfolds.

Deep down you know exactly what you want. Results follow action, and great results come from inspired action. So stand in your power, give the Universe a clear direction, and take responsibility for making your dreams happen!

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

the necessity of slowing down

Rumah Klinchi, Ubud

Rumah Klinchi, Ubud

It SO easy to see it in others: my friend got sick and I instantly saw it as an invitation for her to slow down and rest. Yet, I’ve been sick for a week and didn’t see it as an invitation FOR ME to rest. In fact, I was frightened to death that there was nothing for me TO DO here, at this time. Everything in my new house is taken care of and I have all that I possibly need. Except peace of mind…

I’ve been feeling restless. So I increased the amount of stress I habitually put on myself by demanding that I DO SOMETHING. I began to plan to go places, create a busy schedule and get engaged with people and things.

In reality I was frightened that I may have to FEEL what was quietly happening inside me. DOING helps me avoid FEELING. 

What I felt was uncomfortable. It was frightening. It didn’t make sense. I was supposed to be happy and satisfied. I was supposed to experience joy and feel gratitude. I was supposed to count my blessings for manifesting what I desired, with serendipity and ease.

But I didn’t feel any of this. Taken out of my usual DOING, I felt lonely and lost. Suddenly I was “missing” New York and an ex boyfriend I didn’t want to be with. And it was this “missing” that signaled to me that something deeper was going on. If I am missing an ex I KNEW I didn’t belong with, something was seriously off.

Then I remembered why I decided to stay longer in Bali— to access deep insights, to get some rest and quiet, to acknowledge and re-evaluate what I’ve co-created in the last super-eventful year, to check within for the direction in which I want to proceed, and to re-confirm who I want to be.

Clarity requires silence. It requires slowing down and doing less. It requires listening within, and feeling the feelings. It requires a dose of aloneness and an easy social schedule. It requires paying attention to what’s present within. It requires being with Me.

It requires letting go. It requires easy mornings, slow afternoons, short naps, long dreams and wordless being. It requires not doing. Taking it slow. Watching the flowers open up in the morning and fade by sunset. It requires paying attention to the subtle messages of animal guides: the hurried busy-ness of ants and the enviable stillness of the praying mantis visiting my porch; the insistent stare of a frog and the upside-down lizard grounded firmly onto the vertical surface of the wall; the deeply dark butterfly landing on my forehead—as if inviting my thoughts to lighten up; the sudden arrival of an iridescent dragonfly; the happy grunts of the coupled pink pigs in the neighboring pit; the distant sounds of eager roosters saluting the sun…

Busy was the last thing I needed for observing and experiencing life.

Yet, I wanted to be busy.  “Reach out—I tried to convince myself—go meet people and surround yourself with sounds of busy life. Schedule meetings and lunches. Fill the day with activities and movement… Do. Call. Connect. Talk. Then do more.”

I urged myself to do all these things, until I realized they would only prevent me from getting clear. They would OBSTRUCT the revealing of the next steps I was after. They would offer the ILLUSION of connection, but in fact—serve to disconnect.

I did need connection. But not with the ex-boyfriend and the world as I’ve known it. I needed to connect WITH ME. It was Me I was missing.

Circling taught me how to “sit in discomfort”. It taught me to be present to what is. It taught me to observe, notice and release judgments. It trained me to remain present and “sit with” whatever it is that I feel—until it dissolves, disappears and no longer has control over me. 

Circling taught me TO BE WITH what is present rather than TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. It taught me non-resistance. Acceptance. Slowing down—so the desired results can speed up through newly open doors. Circling taught me to respect the process and follow what wants to unfold—effortless manifestation of the unexpected that brings joy.

So I listen to the knowing. I won’t try to figure out the next stage or make things happen.  I will ask and then listen. I will embrace the discomfort of not knowing. I will notice what wants to manifest and I’ll simply make room for it. I won’t try to force anything into existence. I will sit quietly until I see what wants to unfold next. Then I will let it. Quietly. Non-busily. Softly. Without fear. With vibrant presence and zest.

There is a reason why I am here—in this lovely house I call my home now. There is a reason why I manifested exactly what I am experiencing now. There is a reason why I feel what a feel, why I fear what I fear, and why I’m facing these aspects of myself.

The answer to “what’s next?” can only come from within. It needs no brainstorming and other people’s input. It needs quiet non-doing and deep listening.

Because when I reach myself it is easy to reach out for others. When I am connected with myself it is easy to connect with others.

Because when I have clarity I can witness and let go. I move forward. In the “right” direction. With purpose. And with ease.


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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

Bali Circling Adventure

Our first Bali Circling Adventure is now a reality. It was AMAZING to share this time with all the powerful people who came with us on this journey! There were practiced Circlers and people for whom this was a brand new experience. Yet, the group blended together beautifully and everyone who joined us in Bali contributed in so many terrific ways! I am always amazed at how perfectly things turn out—how the “right” people are drawn together so they can work out old karma or current issues that ready to change.

We started Bali Magic Circling Adventure with a spectacular aura cleanse at the town’s magnificent water temple and ended it with purifying homemade fire at the feet of Goddess Saraswati, clad in white and gold. In between there was much for all of us: there was raised Kundalini, laughter, tears, resolved conflict, insights and joy. There was Luwak coffee, ancient temples, vast rice fields and various samplings of local culture. There were swims, rest, dancing and play. There was time alone and together time. There were strong connections and new friendship bonds. And of course, there was Circling.

There is such a high in witnessing important revelations, which produce lasting changes in our lives, that we all wanted more of it. It was not easy to go home after this magical week was over. We wanted to stay together, to play longer and to Circle more.

There will be another time! We are now securing the dates for 2016 and will let you know soon!

Here are some photos from the 2015 Bali Magic Circling Adventure. 

Click on the photo to start the slide show:

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Gina Brezini Gina Brezini

just another tuesday


Last Tuesday I got to feel, to cry, to love, to feel really seen and appreciated, to connect, then disconnect, and to use this disconnect to create connection again—through conscious communication.

I got to feel more open, and more able to receive. I got to see how others experience me. I got to feel joy, sadness and bliss. In other words—I got to be alive. 

As Anthony A. said: “Eh, just another Tuesday!... Tuesdays begin to have a new meaning now….”

Throughout the evening, there were quite a few times I sat on the edge of my seat. I rode on my own emotional edge, and stretched the edge of others. I witnessed people step deeper into their greatness and give birth to new patterns; and make more self-supportive decisions. I noticed them become more receptive of themselves, and then more available to others…

I got to see and experience some serious transformation. I got to feel triggered and to trigger others, and thus create opportunities for growth and change.

I got to “update” some emotional “files” and observe how much has already healed. I got to feel centered and deeply present, and serene in the midst of intense discomfort.

I got to feel supported and loved. I got to feel triggering and loving. 

I got to feel ALL this, and more. And I did NOT shut off, not even for a moment. I did NOT get defensive. I did NOT withdraw. I did NOT build barrier for protection.

I remained vulnerable and open. I leaned into being open. I stayed receptive and present—“meeting” whatever came my way…

I got to die and be born again.

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