There is one thing that heals every problem:
To love your Self
If you want to make better decisions, act with more confidence and create more fulfilling relationships, you must learn to love your Self. When I talk about loving your Self, I am referring to loving the truth of who you are, your essence, your Soul Light.
And I am also talking about the self that you don’t approve of yet—these parts of your personality that you judge, dislike and wish to hide from others.
Those of you who’ve been working with me know that my work is often focused on learning to love yourself and others. We need both. We cannot fully love another without knowing, accepting and loving who we truly are. Observing my private clients who learn how to love themselves, I notice an amazing pattern: they feel more alive, their lives get better, they have the money they need, their relationships improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin.
Loving your Self is a wonderful adventure.
Self-love is not selfishness. It is honoring the wholeness of what you call You.
Self-love is a stepping stone to loving others in the deepest ways possible.
Only when you love both—yourself and another, you can co-create meaningful and fulfilling relationships. Because what you take care of, takes care of you.
I invite you to join me on this empowering journey and begin to love all of you now!
If you are accustomed to being a sanctuary for those in need of a safe place, it’s time to get serious about the kind of places you’ve created for yourself. Because before anybody else needs you, you need you. Before anybody else craves your love, care and attention, you do.
I am offering a live online group coaching meant as a reminder to stop listening to the negative voices in your head and to connect with the innate and infinite Love, Wisdom, and Light that you hold within yourself. This is an opportunity to take back your personal power with the love you hold within your own heart.
When you join me on this journey to Self-love you will:
silence the Inner Critic and take charge of your life
release lower vibrational energies and negativity
stop judging yourself so harshly and fall in love with your life
become more accepting of yourself and others
understand the cycles you are in, and flow with them instead of getting hit by the next wave
activate healing on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level
Starting your self-love journey is a sound investment in your future.
It is also an emotional time that will require clarity, consistency and guidance. Having a guide by your side while you learn to love yourself fully can help with specific situations such as clarifying your needs, forgiving yourself, healing or reconnecting with your inner child.
There are seven steps and eight classes in Self-love as a Way to Happiness online experience. We will cover all seven of them and you will see where to put most of your attention.
Connect with me if you are interested.
Don’t postpone your happiness. Begin to love yourself today.