As I work with my clients this week, I realize that the issues each one of us has been dealing with, are being magnified during this stay at home period. As we are disconnecting from many of our distractions, we are forced to face the truth about our lives!
Everything seems more visible now because there are less places to hide or escape: We can’t go out and have drinks with a friend when we get pissed off at our lover. We can’t go shopping as a way to find sanity. Or use driving the kids as an excuse for not showing up fully for our dream business.
We can’t attend a gathering at our favorite support group that softens the edge of loneliness. We can’t silence worries about money by working overtime. We can’t go dancing and let strangers hold us—to ease the pain of not having real intimacy in our lives.
We can’t go to a trendy party, paste a carefree smile while we drink to forget and lie that we are happy and satisfied with all our choices. We can’t go to the gym and workout the frustration that bubbles up inside. We can’t om it to oblivion either, in some oh-so-competitive yoga class. We can’t go on mindless dates with random people and pretend that we have a love life.
We are called to look inside and meet ourselves and our partners (if we have any).
We are facing some big and important questions. Most of them will point to some revisions—reevaluations about what’s truly important and what really matters to us. Our new decisions will determine our next steps. And our future.
Some clients are awakening to the truth of how draining the relationship with their partner has been. Others are forced to stick around instead of running away at the first sign of “too much” closeness. Some shout that they need space, while others are whining that they need company because they are bored and have nothing to do.
Truths around sexuality and compatibility are becoming painfully obvious as we are forced to stay home together.
Single or attached, we all face the deeper layers of loneliness and the existential fears that come with it.
And, as panic piles up, the masks crack under the pressure and reveal the traits of the untamed Lower Self… We all have it. I trust that it is our life’s task to tame these darker aspects of the self.
And I believe that this is the perfect time for it!
I see this crisis as a call for AWARENESS. A call to face the truth about our lives, our priorities, our self-care, our deepest needs, our truest desires, and our habitual means of coping, avoidance and denial.
What are you asked to change in these times of introspection? What are you seeing now that you’d rather ignore or hide from yourself? Are there any new choices that you are willing to make?
And where in your life will you press the reset button?
Maybe it’s time to end an unsatisfying relationship that’s been dragging itself for too long.
Maybe it’s time to give more loving attention to your partner.
Maybe it’s time to stop dating aimlessly and decide that the person you “clicked with” is enough.
Maybe it’s time for fresh communication methods.
Maybe you’ll take the first steps towards your dream job that seems aligned with your purpose.
Maybe you’ll dare to record those videos you’ve been postponing for a while.
Maybe it’s time to find new ways to bring more income and enjoy life more.
Maybe it’s time to spend more quality time with your children.
Maybe it’s time to find your new calling and your unique ways of expressing and bringing it into the world.
Maybe you’ll call more often the people who are important to you.
Maybe you’ll learn to rest and take a better care of yourself.
Maybe you’ll finally balance your life in ways you forgot were possible.
Maybe it’s time to bring your yoga practice to your friends online.
Maybe it’s something else that wants to emerge at this time.
What needs to change FOR YOU so you can live a more fulfilling life?