life is a gift
Today I remember that life is a gift, not a right. Today I remember that Love is a gift, not an obligation. And I am grateful for both gifts, as I am also grateful for so many things, people and circumstances that are present in my life now.
Life is a gift full of surprises. Life is a gift full of wonders. Life is a gift full of magic. I am gifted. I am blessed. And I am grateful. Perhaps you too can take a moment today and feel the gifts and blessings in YOUR life, and access the gratitude in YOUR heart.
Life is too precious, and way too short to live without love. Love every chance you get! Love everyone who comes into your life – for we are all bringers of gifts for each other.
Have a magical day full of love, everyone!
Днес си припомням, че животът е подарък, а не право. Днес си припомням, че любовта е подарък, а не задължение. И съм благодарна и за двата дара, както съм благодарна и за всички неща, хора и обстоятелства, които присъстват в живота ми сега.
Животът е дар, пълен с изненади. Животът е дар, пълен с чудеса. Животът е дар, пълен с вълшебство. Надарена съм. Благословена съм. И съм благодарна. Може би вие също ще отделите малко време днес, за да почувствате и оцените даровете във вашия живот, и да се докоснете до благодарността в сърцето си.
I look into the storage shelves full of paintings and I understand karma. I have created all these objects and now I am responsible for them. They didn’t exist before I came to this world and had an idea or two. With my actions – daily work at my Manhattan studio – I created them; I turned the ideas into material objects.
Now, after 30 years of creative bliss, I have all these art objects and I must carry them around with me. I have to pay to shelter them, find new homes for them or turn them into ashes – thus creating a new kind of karma that cannot be perceived with physical senses.
These paintings represent the decisions and choices I have made in the past 30 years. They are a visual reminder that I am responsible for my choices, for my actions. My actions create. They create realities that I have to deal with, live with and make decisions for—even years after I stopped making art.
The act of creation brings responsibility with it.
My past actions are staring at me from the shelves of the storage. I have locked them in – like unwanted emotions. They are lonely. Abandoned. Imprisoned. But still alive. Still here. Still existing in some locked room for which I have been continuously paying—seemingly for storage.
But don’t we all continuously pay for what we have stored in some external Extra Space facility or in some internal chamber? We do have access to it, at any time, but we don’t like going there. We simply pay. Automatically. Invisibly. Monthly. We put it on a credit card that issues automatic payments until we decide to face it all up and do something different.
By now you get it—it’s not just paintings I have locked away. These are emotions, hopes, longings, dreams for future that never came… or came and disappointed.
These are parts of my soul that dared to express in times of pain or elation. They carry memories of moments in which I was touched by the Divine. Moments of breathing together with something much larger than me.
It is for these very moments that I continued to show up at the studio. It is for these moments that I sank deeper into debt and kept painting. These were the moments in which I met my soul, and my soul met its creator.
So when you judge the merit of these creations, go beyond the evaluations of my talent and ability to interpret through visual means. These kind of judgments are limited.
Instead, see if you could capture the energy of these pieces – see if you could feel the moments of unity with the Divine. If you quiet the chatter of your preconditioned mind that brings judgments of good and bad, you might let your soul be touched by those sacred moments that are imbedded in each piece at the time of its creation.
Like a shadow of a woman walled into a bridge built by Kolyo Ficheto.
Гледам рафтовете в склада пълни с картини и разбирам концепцията за карма. Създала съм всички тези картини и сега съм отговарна за тях. Те не съществуваха преди да дойда на този свят и да бъда осенена от някоя и друга идея. С моите действия – ежедневна работа в студиото ми в Манхатън – аз материализирах тези идеи. Превърнах ги в „истински“ предмети.
Сега, след 30 години творческо блаженство, имам всички тези предмети на изкуството и трябва да ги нося със себе си където и да отида. Трябва да плащам за да ги приютя, да им намеря нов дом или да ги превърна в пепел –създавайки нов вид карма, която не може да бъде възприета с физическите сетива.
Картините ми са решенията и изборите, които съм правила през последните 30 години. Те са визуално напомняне, че съм отговорна за изборите и действията си. Моите действия творят. Те създават реалности, с които трябва да се справям, с които трябва да живея, и за които вземам решения – дори години след като спрях да рисувам.
Творческият акт носи отговорност със себе си.
Миналите ми действия ме гледат от рафтовете на склада. Заключила съм ги – като нежелани емоции. Затворници. Самотни. Изоставени. Но все още живи. Все още тук. Все още съществуват в някаква заключена стая, за която непрекъснато съм плащала - привидно за съхранение.
Но не плащаме ли всички непрестанно за това, което сме скрили в някой външен склад или в някое тайно вътрешно кътче? Имаме достъп до него по всяко време, но не обичаме да ходим там. Просто плащаме. Автоматично. Невидимо. Месечно. Поставяме го на кредитна карта, която автоматично плаща докато не решим да погледнем истината и да направим нещо различно. В този живот или в следващия.
Вече разбирате — не само картини съм заключила. Заключила съм емоции, надежди, копнежи, мечти за бъдещето, които никога не са се реализирали... или са се случили и донесли разочарование.
Това са части от душата ми, които са се осмелили да изразят върху платното болка, радост или вдъхновение. Те помнят моменти, в които съм се докосвала до Божественото. Те помнят мигове в които съм дишала заедно с нещо много по-голямо от мен.
Точно за тези моменти продължавах да отивам в студиото. Точно за тези моменти потъвах в дългове и продължих да рисувам. Това бяха миговете, в които срещах душата си, а душата ми срещаше своя създател.
Така че, когато преценявате заслугите на тези творения, издигнете се над оценките за моя талант и способност да интерпретирам с визуални средства. Този вид преценки са ограничени.
Вместо това се опитайте да уловите енергията на тези творения –почувствайте моментите на единство с Божественото. Ако успокоите бърборенето на критичната настройка на ума си, която носи преценки за добро и лошо, ще позволите на душата си да бъде докосната от онези свещени моменти, които са вградени във всяко от тези произведения по време на тяхното създаване.
Като сянка на жена, зазидана в мост, построен от Кольо Фичето.
the true purpose of relationships
Every relationship we forge has the potential to teach us about ourselves and our deeply held views. In fact, there’s no better laboratory for self-study than through relationships. Relationships are such a large part of who we are that their dynamics manifest throughout our being. The three major energy centers in the body are the second chakra (control), third chakra (self-esteem) and fourth chakra (emotional power). All three relate to the way we show up in relationships.
Relationships can introduce us to the parts of ourselves that might otherwise remain hidden. As a result, relationships can be quite painful. Learning about ourselves and facing our own limitations are not things we tend to do with enthusiasm.
We do not meet and become involved with people as the result of some random process. Each of us generates patterns of energy that attract particular people into our lives.
The challenge is to form and maintain relationships that support our development, to rescript unhealthy connections and to release those that limit our growth. This is not about judging others, but about honoring the lessons that relationships can teach us.
Try to view your relationships as spiritual messengers bringing to you revelations about your strengths and weaknesses, and providing valuable lessons on your path to consciousness.
Всяка връзка, която изграждаме има потенциала да ни научи нещо за нас самите и да покаже нашите дълбоко вкоренени възгледи. Всъщност няма по-добра лаборатория за самопознание от взаимоотношенията ни с другите. Връзките са толкова голяма част от нас, че тяхната динамика се проявява чрез цялото ни същество. Трите основни енергийни центъра в тялото са втора чакра (контрол), трета чакра (самочувствие) и четвърта чакра (емоционална сила). И трите са свързани с начина, по който се свързваме с другите.
Връзките могат да ни покажат части от нас самите, които иначе биха останали скрити. Затова връзките могат да бъдат доста болезнени—да видим истината за себе си и да се изправим пред собствените си ограничения са неща, които не сме склонни да правим с ентусиазъм.
Срещите и връзките ни с хора не са резултат на някакъв случаен процес. Всеки от нас генерира модели на енергия, които привличат конкретни хора в живота ни.
Задачата ни е да формираме и поддържаме връзките, които подкрепят развитието ни и да променим или да се освободим от тези, които ограничават растежа ни. Тук не става дума за съдене на другите, а за почитане на уроците, на които връзките с другите могат да ни научат.
Опитайте се да гледате на тези, с които сте във връзка като на духовни пратеници, които разкриват вашите силни и слаби страни и предоставят ценни уроци по пътя ви към осъзнаването.
the positive use of negative emotions
Yesterday, in session with a client (let’s call her Deb), we found out how we can use negative emotions for positive action! It's actually quite simple.
First you must become aware of the emotion and name it. For Deb, it was fear of losing her spouse. Then you must allow yourself to feel this emotion instead of running away from it. Once Deb became aware of the fear and allowed herself to feel it, she was able to hear what this fear was urging her to do. And then you must ask yourself: What can I do today, in order to prevent that which I fear from happening? For Deb it translated into bringing flowers and showing her wife daily how much she matters to her.
We do not have to be at the mercy of our feelings! We're in charge of them. But when we block our ability to feel, we become helpless recipients and powerless victims of our emotions.
Not knowing what you feel keeps you at the mercy of your emotions. Because you cannot be in charge of emotions whose presence you don't even recognize. Ignoring or suppressing them only makes things worse—postponing the blow while also creating illness. Suppressed, unrecognized, unexpressed and unprocessed emotions are the real cause for depression and violence.
Feelings are guides. Even negative emotions have the ability to show us the way to a positive action.
The positive expression of negative feelings is an art form. It requires five things:
· Focused attention—to help you recognize the existence of your emotion.
· Awareness of what you feel.
· Honesty—to name the emotion and acknowledge its presence.
· Listening to the message that the emotion brings.
· Taking action, now—in order to create a positive use of the negative emotion.
Undivided, focused attention leads to awareness. It is the awareness that brings insight. It's the honesty that brings healing. (Truth always heals.) It’s the listening that shows the way. And it's the conscious action that manifests a new outcome and brings desired change.
Feelings are messengers. They are your friends, even the dreaded negative ones.
You don’t become a positive person by avoiding or rejecting your negative feelings, but by listening to them and discovering the positive action they urge you to take.
Negative emotions are simply part of a sophisticated alarm system. They are here to tell us that something is off and to urge us to pay attention, make a new decision, and create a new reality by taking a new action. They are the guardians of change.
Negative emotions have a bad reputation. It’s true that they can cause damage—when we hold onto them. But ignoring the warnings of your negative emotions and only allowing yourself to feel positive ones, can also be damaging—because you’ll deprive yourself from the valuable insights and wise guidance of the negative emotions.
When you reject your negative emotions, you reject part of you that you don't like. It's essential to honor and accept all of you, including the emotions you perceive as negative. There are no negative emotions. Your negative opinion of them makes them negative. All emotions are natural and they are here to serve your highest good. Learn how to harvest their wisdom and you will be on your way to some serious empowerment!
the courage to be fully you!
What are the things that control you? Whose voice are you listening to? Knowing your archetypes is not just informational, it is a universal knowledge.
What are the things that control you? Whose voice are you listening to?
Knowing your archetypes is not just informational, it is a universal knowledge. Archetypes are laws, like gravity. Your body is governed by laws—put the wrong thing in it and you’ll feel bad.
When you say you relate to someone, you relate to an archetype that you resonate with; an archetype that you can access in the other. When you describe something that everyone does, you are describing an archetype. Each archetype has specific habits that are typical for it. For example the archetype of The Hoarder has specific habits, and yet if you have that archetype you will have your very unique way of doing it.
Knowing your archetypes is a tool. Your archetypal patterns are part of your soul that were assigned to you before you were born. Knowing your archetypes can help you understand who you are and guide you to become who you’s like to be.
Knowing your archetypes can help you to stop trying to change yourself in order to fit in, and dare to be YOU. It grants you the capacity to make choices that are already in you and it strengthens the courage to be fully you.
It's a fun workshop in which you will learn a lot about yourself.
the archetypal map of your life
It is when we know ourselves that we can begin to love ourselves. For we can only love that which we know and understand.
This is why I have created the Archetypes series.
My intention, and my desire for these interactive online workshops is to guide you into the fascinating world of the archetypes, and to assist you in getting to know yourself in ways that open you up to loving yourself more, accepting yourself in all your complexity, and discovering the mystery and the beauty of being you.
You may have received one of these workshops as a gift. Or you may have chosen it yourself--intrigued by a conversation, inspired by a friend who has taken it, or lead by an inner desire to know and to love yourself more.
Or you might be still hesitating, waiting to decide last minute.
Either way, you are in for a surprising new way of looking at yourself, your life and the choices you are making!
Your Archetypes provide shortcuts for growth, guidance for your evolutionary path, and a map for your life that reveals your higher potential and the gifts you are here to share.
archetypal work is about power, where do you lose yours?
Archetypal work is all about power—seeing where you’re losing yours and how to take it back. Let me give you an example: Victim is a state of consciousness. It is also an archetype—one of the four survival archetypes that we all share as human beings. Of course, nobody likes to be a victim. But the reality is that at some point or another each one of us could feel like a victim—we could be victimized by illness or a natural disaster, circumstances or a person. It could be an envious colleague, your boss, or your spouse. A business partner, your cleaning lady, or the government. The list goes on.
Now, when you’re in a position of a victim, what happens to your power? Are you feeling powerful or powerless?
Exactly my point!
However, it is you who often give away your power—usually through a choice you are making.
Today is the day to make the choice to learn more about the archetypes that reside within you, so you can gain insights about how they influence your life, your decisions and even your relationships.
SIGN UP for this live, interactive online course and begin the fun journey towards self-knowing, self-acceptance and self-love.
We begin on March 3 @7:30-9:30 pm EST
If you prefer to learn at your own pace, you may get the recorded classes HERE
See you in class!
the power of choice
Imagine that we are all here learning to work with the laws of creation. Imagine that life is an experience of learning about the power of choice and consequence, action and reaction.
When we realize that we have this power, everything changes. Choices become conscious, empowering, and elevating our creative potential.
This is precisely what we do in the Archetypes workshops. We become aware of the choices we have, of the patterns that've been ruling our lives, and of the ways in which we could take the rains in our hands and stay in charge of our own lives, with dignity and courage.
Our Archetypes provide shortcuts for growth and guide us as we walk on our evolutionary path.
In the Archetypes workshops you will discover the map for your life that reveals your higher potential and the gifts you are here to share.
More information on the Archetypes One workshop HERE
If you prefer to learn at your own pace, please contact me and I will send you the links for previously recorded workshops.
Please share this link with friends, so they too, can benefit from the valuable information in this fun interactive course.
I can't wait to see you in the class and to discover, discuss, learn and enjoy together with you!
Love. Gina
what is a soul contract?
A soul contract is a guided plan for your life, that you co-create. Your contract is the overall relationship to your personal and spiritual power.
Each relationship in your life represents an aspect of your soul contract. Your emotional responses act as a barometer to gauge the degree of opportunity that lies before you. Being able to identify what lays beneath your emotional responses will allow you to bring forth your potential.
A soul contract is a learning process and therefore cannot be broken. It commits you to developing your consciousness and understanding of how to work with forces greater than your personal will.
Because a soul contract is an opportunity to empower your spirit, you are bound by higher laws to pursue that process. You may choose to delay terms, but you cannot avoid them altogether.
Your soul contract can carry you through the dark times in your life, presenting you with seemingly arduous tasks, but also with the intuitive means to accomplish them.
And like the great spiritual masters, at times you may question the motives of the Divine or feel that you cannot do what is expected of you. But you will.
Identifying and interpreting the underlying patterns of energy that form your thoughts and beliefs, guides you to recognize your soul contract.
These underlying energies are your Archetypes.
what are archetypes?
Archetypes are universal patterns of power that coordinate how we think and feel. All we have to do is say angel or hermit, and instantly, others know what kind of person we are talking about. This is indicative of the amount of power that each archetype contains.
Each archetype has strengths, and weaknesses, but its essence is neutral. The impact of the archetype remains neutral until it is acted upon. We can choose to act in shadow or light, from consciousness or unconsciousness. But we do have a choice, and it is our choice that could change our fate and reshape our destiny.
We do it by making the unconscious conscious.
I look forward to seeing you in the Archetypes One workshop and to begin together the journey into the fascinating world of archetypes.
In this exciting interactive program you will:
Discover the strengths and weaknesses of your 12 major archetypes
Explore patterns of behavior so you can begin to choose more consciously and regain control over your life
See the sources of internal conflicts and create a more harmonious balance within yourself
what self-love has to do with archetypes
As many of you know I have completed a two year program in Sacred Contracts and Archetypes and I am now a certified Archetypal Consultant. I’d love to share what I’ve learned with as many of you as possible. Because I believe that the world will be a better place if more people know, love and accept themselves.
You might wonder what Self-love has to do with archetypes. Well, I believe that we can only love that which we know. Knowing your archetypes leads to accepting, and ultimately loving all of your Self.
Dalai Lama had said that the biggest problem in today’s world is self-hatred. I tend to agree that Self-love could make a big difference. Because people who love contribute in bigger ways to the creation of a more loving world.
As you probably know already, archetypes are universal patterns that express through our words, actions, habits, preferences and decisions. The greek philosopher Plato was the first one to recognize and name these universal patterns. Carl Jung brought them into the world of psychology, and Joseph Campbell and Carolyne Myss have expanded this work in fascinating ways.
According to wise men and women who know, before we incarnate we all agreed to do certain things and learn certain lessons. This also includes engaging with certain people in specific relational patterns. These people might be our parents, siblings, lovers, spouses, children, close friends, enemies or business partners.
In the process of learning our lessons we are closely aided by a team of archetypes that already dwell within us, but that we need to identify, get to know, befriend and engage in ways that serve our highest purpose. The archetypes could suggest the course of action we need to take in order to get where we want to be. But only if we learn to understand their language. Until then, we are at the mercy of an unconscious mind chatter that can be contradictory and confusing. We need to learn the language of archetypes in order to decode their messages, apply them in our day-to-day life and utilize their full power. We use this knowledge to tap into the symbolic guidance that is always present and always available.
As always, it is consciousness that changes the game!
So sign up today for the new release of Archetypes One: explore your soul lessons and let me take you on your hero’s journey into the fascinating world of archetypes!
This is a 4-week live zoom workshop, in which I’ll help you recognize your archetypes and uncover the lessons you are here to learn.
WHEN: March 3 – 24, 7:30-9:30 pm EST on zoom
Here is a link for more information.
There will not be another Archetypes One workshop until next year.
If you are curious to find out what is the set of characteristics unique to you, jump in and join me in this fun online workshop!
why is it important to know yourself?
We can only love that which we understand; that which we know.
Knowing yourself is important for your happiness. In order to be happy, you have to know yourself. You have to know what brings you joy and what brings you sorrow; what contributes to your wellbeing and what is detrimental to it.
Also, when you know yourself, you have clarity about what you need and want. The truth is that if you don’t know what you need and want, you cannot ask for it and you cannot get it.
Knowing yourself also helps with boundaries. If you don't know who you are, where you begin and end, and where the other person begins and ends—how are you going to set boundaries?
Knowing yourself, shapes up the choices you make. Your choices become conscious when you know all of you. And when you make a choice consciously, it is always the right choice. You can never make a mistake when your choices are conscious. You make better choices when you know yourself, because you choose what serves your wellbeing.
Unconscious choices are the choices that hurt us.
So get to know yourself. Knowing yourself leads to love, and love is the key to happiness.
I am offering a 4-week live zoom workshop, in which you’ll learn to recognize your archetypes and uncover the soul lessons you are here to learn.
WHEN: March 3 – 24, 7:30-9:30 pm EST on zoom.
There will not be another Archetypes One workshop until next year.
an exciting update
I’ve got an exciting update that I couldn’t wait to share with you: I’ve been studying the language of symbols and archetypes for a few years and I am now a certified Archetypal Consultant!
But what does an Archetypal Consultant do? you might ask. An Archetypal Consultant will help you to understand the operating archetypal patterns that already exist within you. These mostly unconscious patterns can reveal your purpose, your motivation for doing things as you do, and the life lessons that you’ve come to fulfill in this lifetime. It's a rich and fascinating process that leads to understanding yourself and others in a profound way. Understanding your archetypal patterns often dissipates judgments and leads to less criticism and more acceptance of yourself and others. Acceptance is the gateway to love. And love is the key to happiness.
If you know me already, you are probably aware by now that I’ve studied Spiritual Psychology and I have a private practice as a life coach and relationship counselor. My office is in Bethesda, but I serve people in other states and countries as well. I notice that incorporating the archetypes into my work with clients brings amazing clarity and deeper awareness that speed up the healing process.
During the early years of my life I worked in theater and film and this certainly contributes to understanding the complexity of archetypal patterns and their various expressions in our lives.
You can contact me here to enquire more or to schedule a consultation.
Much love.
the two wolves
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee replied, “The one you feed.”
if it’s in your life...
If it’s in your life, it is because you want it! And this is a universal truth.
The problem often is that we say we want something else, but we don’t mean it. Our actions, our choices and our decisions show us what we really want.
For example, I have a client who says that she doesn’t want to be treated badly, but she keeps going back to a relationship in which she’s treated badly. She says that she wants a loving partner, but she stays with a man who clearly doesn’t care about her. And that is what she gets.
We get what we want. We get what we tolerate. We get what we say “yes” to.
If it’s in your life, it is because you want it.
Carl Jung's description of Shadow
According to Jung, the Shadow exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of the traits in ourselves that we dislike, deny or ignore: repressed feelings, beliefs, weaknesses, desires, instincts and perceived shortcomings.
The Shadow is the result of our attempt to adapt to cultural norms and expectations. Thus, it consists of all the things deemed unacceptable by society, as well as those that are not aligned with our own personal morals and values.
Jung argues that the Shadow plays an important role in balancing our overall psyche: "Where there is light, there must also be shadow”. Without a well-developed Shadow we can become shallow and preoccupied with the opinions of others, a walking mask.
Not wanting to look at our Shadow directly, Jung argues, causes us to project it onto others. Basically, the qualities we hate in another, are actually also present in us, but we don’t want to see them.
Carl Jung believed that in order for us to truly grow, we must balance both the Persona and the Shadow.
The Shadow can appear in dreams or visions, often taking the form of a dark, wild, exotic figure.
the purpose of transition
In yoga, the slower we move, the stronger we become. It's true of major transitions, too. If you don't rush into things, you build heat and inner relationship with yourself that can move through anything. The point of transition isn't to get somewhere else. It's to become someone else…. Have a great day. And move slower.
relationship problems
Relationship problems are always an initiation into the very depths of our souls. The point is not only to learn to relate better, but to become a more substantial person.
This is why self love is so important. This is why your connection with yourselfIs is essential for the wellbeing of your relationship.
As you become a more substantial person, you begin to relate in a different way. You stop abandoning yourself. And then you are more accepting of your partner and the differences between the two of you.
In my view, at the base of most relationship issues is self-abandonment. It is commonly known as losing yourself.
So to resolve the problem and to restore the connection, the first thing you need to do is to reconnect with yourself. Only then you can reconnect with your partner and with your love for him or her.
Self-knowledge is power. When we know ourselves, we are at peace with ourselves. When we know ourselves, we live in alignment with our purpose. When we know ourselves, we can love ourselves more. Because we can only love that which we know…
This holiday season, make a meaningful and fun gift: the gift of self-knowledge. This might be a gift for yourself, for a friend. or for a family member.
My workshop Archetypes: explore your soul contracts introduces an organized system for a quick and fun way to begin to know, accept and love yourself fully.
The second edition of this 2-hours-per-week workshop begins on January 13, 2021—the day when we officially step into the Age of Aquarius.
What better way to celebrate the beginning of a new era than to get to know the powerful (and often unconscious) forces that reside within you!
These forces are your archetypes.
There are 12 primary archetypes that shape the unique and magnificent being that you call YOU. They guide your choices and write your life story. It's important to harmonize them so you can live a life of purpose and inner peace.
In this live interactive zoom workshop you will discover these 12 important aspects of you and begin to understand how they influence your decisions, your choices, and even your relationships.
Meet your 12 primary archetypes
Discover their strengths and weaknesses
Identify patterns of behavior that no longer serve you
Define your unique talents and gifts and find out how they can help you live in alignment with your purpose
Understand how your experiences relate to your soul contracts
3-week zoom class
Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00pm EST
January 13th, 20th & 27th